Saturday, November 14, 2009

The HMS Pelican Brief has officially arrived!

Another view of ABOT above,
Also, a pic of the HMS (Her Majesty's Ship) Cardigan Bay

SO, the word about the Brits arriving has come to prove correct. The HMS Cardigan Bay has officially arrived on station. They will be taking over the platform soon. They are in command here, however we were solely operating this place. Slowly, their personnel will trickle in and we'll hand this place over.

Had a good PT day today. An hour and 45 mins and I feel great! Except for that cookie I ate for lunch...= ) Trigger (the linguist here) and Littlefoot (on the police squad) and myself went to the "prison gym" as we fondly call it. All of the machines are rickety and rusty, however in full operation mode. Works for us! We were the only people in the gym, making up 1/2 of the female population. We did some leg workouts and some arm stuff... My legs are in pain, especially after the 5 flights of stairs to get up to work this afternoon! Anyhow, so we're PTing and we're talking about the Brits pulling in and I was like, "Yeah, I heard the 'Pelican Brief ' pulled in today..." They both look at me like......?? What? "You know, the British ship....?" "I'm sure you mean the 'Cardigan Bay'..." Haha, close enough.. We were having a good time at the gym, and they were pushing me to lift more than normal, which is good. Littlefoot weighs maybe 100 lbs soakin wet, maybe! And she was lifting just as much as us 2!

I learned how to play Euchre the other night. Was pretty interesting, a bit like Spades, really, but the trump card changes every time. The guy who taught us swears this game is indigenous to Ohio, and was amazed I had even heard of it! Hah, well my team ended up losing, but I'm thinking I'll take another stab at it.

We had some delectable watermelon for lunch today! And Faisal set aside some of my favorite cereal for me!! (by way of afternoon snack!) Every time I come to eat I'm walking in just as he's closing up and he's like "Where were you LYDERRR?? I was worried lyderrrr" Hah, PT went a little long today, almost didn't get any lunch! Would have been a long watch.

I'm going to watch "Paranormal Activity" tonight with Trigger. I hear it's pretty scary. Little Foot watched it last night and was telling us it's basically about this girl who has a demon and the whole movie is filmed by a handheld video camera. Supposedly it only took $11,000 to film the whole movie and it's already made millions. Sounds like it could be interesting..

Hope everyone is getting ready for XMAS back home! Day after T-Giving and time for the Christmas tree!! I'm excited to get back to Bahrain and start some X-mas shopping. I'm hoping most of it can be done online, however I will check out the local malls for trinkets, baubles, and things of that sort.
Hope everyone is doing well!

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