Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here's some more of the little guy!

Sailor Hannah

               Grandma Corky came down today to work on the scrapbook she's making for Dick of their cruise up in Alaska.  It turned out great!  I loves me some scrapbooking. Oh, also we played 3 or 13...and guess who won some pennies!! ME. mwahahha victory is mine.  She brought down some stew and it was deeeelicious!!!

Wayne went to his graduation ceremony (far right) at Hawaii Pacific University.  I'm so proud of my Nat! It looks mighty nice there, no snow for them!

Oh- I FINALLY found a punchbowl at Hobby Lobby....after searching at Walmart, Target, Kohls, Penny's....I looked high and low.  Who'da thunk it'd be so hard to find.  So we now have all the pieces we need for Maggie's Baby Shower! Woot!

I got a call from Senior Chief today and the Navy Cryptologic community has accepted me back and I'm due in Chicago on the 23rd of February.  I better get started finding all my uniforms!  It's 3 weeks up there and then off to my duty station...which is yet unknown.

I'm watching the british version of The Office with Ricky Jarvais. Has anyone seen this??  Ricky Jarvais is hilarious.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Grandma Corky's Birthday weekend

Hello all!  I recently found this pic from Morse Code school down in Pensacola in 2005.  You know, 4 yrs old = )  I was a lowly E-3 at the time.  Memmmmories!
Update on the Navy Quest:  I had my phone interview today and my package is complete.  Should be hearing something in around 2 weeks.  They will call to tell me if they will accept me back as a CTR2 (Cryptologic Technician 2nd Class, E-5) and aroundabouts when I'll leave.  Then, I will be heading up to Chicago for about 3 weeks of training (uniform re-issue and Navy classes).  Then, off to wherever my duty station will be.  
I am currently plopped in Grandma Corky's living room watchin TV with the sis.  Tomorrow is Grandma Corky's Birthday, the big 7-0....and boy do we have a sweet gift for her!  I'll tell you about it when the cat's out of the bag!
Yoda was just a terrible pup today.  I brought him up to Grandma Corky's today and as we were scrapbooking we could hear Yoyo chewing on something....and we assumed it was his bone.  Negative.  Twas half of her plant in the other room along with some pinecones.  YODA!  Uh, he is such a bad dog when we bring him over here.  I think it's cause all of the attention is no longer on just him.  THEN, later on when Mom got here we found him with a little wooden mouse that was chewed to bits.  He was chewing wood!  There were chips of it all over where he was laying and he just looked up at me with those big Yoda puppy eyes like "What'd I do?"  Ugh...he will never learn!
G.C. made some delicious roast beast for dinner and it was yummy yummy delicious!!  Also, we played rummy and I pretty much won the first game! No big whup.  Victory dance and all.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Inauguration!

1.  LOST STARTS IN 2 days...TWO DAYS.  I know everyone else is excited as I am.  And I have made myself a memo in my phone.

2.  Turns out the Wall Street Journal is not as dry as you may think.  Today I learned that 2 border patrols shot this drug dealer guy because they thought he was carrying a gun.  Turns out it was a weird light reflection....the man was not armed. These 2 officers got 12 years in prison.  Hmm.. interesting.

3.  Did anyone watch American Idol?  I thought the San Fran contestants were quite dry.  Also, Simon is still loud and rude.  As usual = )  He is consistent, I'll give him that.

4.  Did everyone watch Obama's inauguration?  Sadly, I missed it.  I tend to fall asleep during long speeches.  Sarah said it was a tad long.

Today I took Yoda for a walk at Krug Park.  Yes, I got lost....again... Seriously this place is like OZ or Narnia or something. Every time we try and go....we get lost lost lost.  I ended up on the south end somewhere.  But, thankfully I had my GPS with me (thank you G.C.!).  Anyhow, we made it to the park, but turns out Krug is closed during the winter for some reason...the gates were locked and all.  We were able to feed the 10,000 ducks and take a short walk.  It was snowing and very chilly.  Yoda doesn't seem to notice the cold at all. Though, he does like to eat the snow.  And duck droppings.  He specifically does NOT like his collar, as he chewed it off on the way home.
I went to Sonic, a daily routine for me, to get me a route 44 diet chocolate coke, my usual.  I am really going to miss that place.
Then, it was off to the lair (Sarah's basement) which is packed FULL of my boxes.  I finished sorting everything out for what I want to get shipped to my duty station and what I would like to leave here.
Oh, I got a call from my Enlisted Community Manager and he says I will be getting an email from the lady in Pensacola who is going over my paperwork to make sure my package is complete.  Paperwork paperwork.  He also said there is a very good chance I'll get back to Hawaii because there are lots of orders out there right now.  Which was goooood news to hear = )
Hope everyone had a lovely Tuesday!
Thanks for reading,

Monday, January 19, 2009


This is my nephew, Yoda.  He is Sarah's puppy.  She got him August 8th.  Sarah and Justin ventured down to Kansas City in search of the perfect fit for our family = ).  When Sarah saw him, she immediately knew he was the one.  His brother was running around and hyperactive and he was just kind of chill and laid back.  Joke was on us, because he is a rambunctious fellow.  He likes to run back and forth from the kitchen to the living room. At warp speed!  He also likes to dig holes, consuming the dirt as he goes.  I believe his favorite place in the house is buried deep underneath my bed.  He loves to explore under there...though, the only thing he ever finds is an empty shoebox and a giant clipboard.  But, he is determined to find a gem down there.  
His Nana Vikki thinks he's sooooo cute!  All of the family seems to have embraced him = )  Now, Sarah thinks he needs a companion to play around with so there may be another pup around here soon...
I'll keep you posted!
Thanks for coming!

Friends in HI

I'm looking at pics from when Pam & Colin, Moose & Mags came out to HI to visit, memmmmmmories.  Here's a pic of Waikiki Strip & Diamondhead (and also the Catamaran we took the Booz Cruz on = )


Hello Everyone, I've created this blog so I can keep in touch with all of you guys!  This way I can post pics and keep everyone updated on what's going on.  

Currently I am in the process of going back into the Navy.  I've gone down and finished my paperwork and physicals at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) down in Kansas City.  So, my paperwork is all turned in and I"m just waiting to hear back if they'll let me back in.  (fingers crossed!)

Also, I would like to get stationed back in Hawaii.  I know, I know.....the whole time I was there I wished I was back here, or at least closer to home.  But, now that I've been home for a while, I'm realizing I will have to be there to accomplish my goals.

I would like to continue taking classes at Hawaii Pacific University.  I am in the MBA program and taking 2 classes: Business- Intro to Accounting and Finance, and Management- The Ethical Environment of Business.  I had a feeling this classes would be a tad challenging...but the accounting information is a bit overwhelming since I've never had any accounting classes.  Thank goodness for Maggie, she seems to know everything about accounting.. She knows a lot of random stuff, come to think of it.  Lifesaver!

If I get back to Hawaii, the plan is to attend Embry Riddle and learn about aeronautics.  I would like to work in the field of aviation, preferably as a Naval Officer.  I took the Officer test and didn't score as high as I wanted, so I need to bring up my scores on the aviation portion.  After some classes I will feel more confident about taking the test over.  Also, I reallllly want to take some training to attain a pilot's license.  It's a bit farfetched at the moment, but with some dedication and lots of legwork I think it's attainable.  

Also, can I just say...I'm over winter!  It's so cold....and you get all cooped up inside.  I miss the beaches and sunshine, I'm not gonna lie.  

Thank you for reading!
