Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Inauguration!

1.  LOST STARTS IN 2 days...TWO DAYS.  I know everyone else is excited as I am.  And I have made myself a memo in my phone.

2.  Turns out the Wall Street Journal is not as dry as you may think.  Today I learned that 2 border patrols shot this drug dealer guy because they thought he was carrying a gun.  Turns out it was a weird light reflection....the man was not armed. These 2 officers got 12 years in prison.  Hmm.. interesting.

3.  Did anyone watch American Idol?  I thought the San Fran contestants were quite dry.  Also, Simon is still loud and rude.  As usual = )  He is consistent, I'll give him that.

4.  Did everyone watch Obama's inauguration?  Sadly, I missed it.  I tend to fall asleep during long speeches.  Sarah said it was a tad long.

Today I took Yoda for a walk at Krug Park.  Yes, I got lost....again... Seriously this place is like OZ or Narnia or something. Every time we try and go....we get lost lost lost.  I ended up on the south end somewhere.  But, thankfully I had my GPS with me (thank you G.C.!).  Anyhow, we made it to the park, but turns out Krug is closed during the winter for some reason...the gates were locked and all.  We were able to feed the 10,000 ducks and take a short walk.  It was snowing and very chilly.  Yoda doesn't seem to notice the cold at all. Though, he does like to eat the snow.  And duck droppings.  He specifically does NOT like his collar, as he chewed it off on the way home.
I went to Sonic, a daily routine for me, to get me a route 44 diet chocolate coke, my usual.  I am really going to miss that place.
Then, it was off to the lair (Sarah's basement) which is packed FULL of my boxes.  I finished sorting everything out for what I want to get shipped to my duty station and what I would like to leave here.
Oh, I got a call from my Enlisted Community Manager and he says I will be getting an email from the lady in Pensacola who is going over my paperwork to make sure my package is complete.  Paperwork paperwork.  He also said there is a very good chance I'll get back to Hawaii because there are lots of orders out there right now.  Which was goooood news to hear = )
Hope everyone had a lovely Tuesday!
Thanks for reading,

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