Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Spoke to the Detailer today and he relayed the news that I'll be here until May 2011. Seven more months...
The next duty station will be USS Anchorage, out of San Diego. It's in phase three of the build in New Orleans. From here I'll go to Pensacola for school, then off to San Diego for some more schooling. From what I hear, there'll be myself, a chief, a couple second classes, and a couple seamen.
I am ready to leave Bahrain and go to a ship finally. I wouldn't say that I love ship life..but it's change, and I get to move again. I do like moving around, but I don't like moving my household goods. But, being stationed in San Diego, perhaps I will be able to put some roots down there. PLUS, I'll be in the continental US so friends and fam can come visit!
Things are cooling down here, about 93-93 degrees during the day. Still a bit humid, but not miserable.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2010!! One year down. One to go.

It's finally May!! Yesterday was May Day, and I regret to say I did not leave a bag of goodies on anyone's doorstep.. there's always next year = )

Finally May, means that June is just around the corner. I guess Christmas is too, "Christmas is just around the corner"... Anywho. JUNE, I will be in the MOTHERLAND. June 15-July 14th prospectively. I have been graciously awarded 30 days of free leave, doesn't count against my 30 alloted days of leave per year. Hence, FREE leave. I was going to take leave this summer either way, but since I extended till May 2011, I get the free leave. Just have to provide my way home. Good thing I have the ol internet and airline tickets at my fingers. Putting in my paperwork this week and then I shall purchase my tix!

Plans while I'm home: riding my motorcycle.. (might need a slight tune-up..she's been in a coma for over a year), CHIPOTLE..my love. Seeing Sugarland with Kendra in June. Also, going to Vegas with my sis and a couple friends. Our first visit, please pray for our well-being = ). Going to enjoy some laid back times with G Corky, Mum & Dick, Sis and her kids, Yoyo and Gus Gus (who I hear has a variety of names..) Looking forward to walking the pups on the Parkway. If we can find it that is = ) Haha.

I bet it's beautiful back home around this time.

Since getting to Bahrain, I have had some amazing experiences. FAR from what I thought was going to happen out here. When they assigned me Bahrain, I was thinking ..."What's a Bahrain??" ..believing it would be much like the Sahara. However, it's got city and desert just the same. The entire top of the island is city, houses, high-rises, an airport, and base. The bottom half is all desert with an air field, Formula 1 race track, Lost Paradise Waterpark, and the U of Bahrain. I've been able to see the Tree of Life, meet some aeronauts, swim with dolphins, try all kinds of food (yes! I even tried DUCK!), see Iraq, ride in a helicopter, live in a 5 star hotel for 45 days, been the recipient of 2 marriage proposals (Bahraini's that already had at least 3 wives!), meet some movie stars, see a Formula One Race, among other things. I've met some awesome people, heard some crazy stories, and learned way more than I thought i would about the Navy and my job. I am blessed to have been put on this land of dirt. I look forward to finishing another year here, and getting assigned to a ship.

I hope everyone is doing swell, and I"ll see you soon!!!!!

Love, Hannah

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dhow Tour

Went on a tour of a dhow today. It was pretty interesting.
Dhows are what they call boats here. Usually used for fishing. There's 4 types, from largest to smallest: boum, sambuq, jelibut, and shu'ai. The one we toured is a shu'ai. It's pretty small, consists of an upper deck, engine room, and a couple compartments below the top deck. There's a wheel house used for navigation/sleeping. The one we toured is generally used for shrimpin. These small dhows aren't allowed to travel outside territorial waters- 12 nautical miles from the shore. They have a GPS unit for navigation. There were about a hundred dhows tied up to the pier here. I guess they go out in the morning as a group to go fishing. With the fuel onboard, they can stay out for up to 45 days! Looks like pretty rough livin, though, think I'll stick to my desk job = )