Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2010!! One year down. One to go.

It's finally May!! Yesterday was May Day, and I regret to say I did not leave a bag of goodies on anyone's doorstep.. there's always next year = )

Finally May, means that June is just around the corner. I guess Christmas is too, "Christmas is just around the corner"... Anywho. JUNE, I will be in the MOTHERLAND. June 15-July 14th prospectively. I have been graciously awarded 30 days of free leave, doesn't count against my 30 alloted days of leave per year. Hence, FREE leave. I was going to take leave this summer either way, but since I extended till May 2011, I get the free leave. Just have to provide my way home. Good thing I have the ol internet and airline tickets at my fingers. Putting in my paperwork this week and then I shall purchase my tix!

Plans while I'm home: riding my motorcycle.. (might need a slight tune-up..she's been in a coma for over a year), love. Seeing Sugarland with Kendra in June. Also, going to Vegas with my sis and a couple friends. Our first visit, please pray for our well-being = ). Going to enjoy some laid back times with G Corky, Mum & Dick, Sis and her kids, Yoyo and Gus Gus (who I hear has a variety of names..) Looking forward to walking the pups on the Parkway. If we can find it that is = ) Haha.

I bet it's beautiful back home around this time.

Since getting to Bahrain, I have had some amazing experiences. FAR from what I thought was going to happen out here. When they assigned me Bahrain, I was thinking ..."What's a Bahrain??" ..believing it would be much like the Sahara. However, it's got city and desert just the same. The entire top of the island is city, houses, high-rises, an airport, and base. The bottom half is all desert with an air field, Formula 1 race track, Lost Paradise Waterpark, and the U of Bahrain. I've been able to see the Tree of Life, meet some aeronauts, swim with dolphins, try all kinds of food (yes! I even tried DUCK!), see Iraq, ride in a helicopter, live in a 5 star hotel for 45 days, been the recipient of 2 marriage proposals (Bahraini's that already had at least 3 wives!), meet some movie stars, see a Formula One Race, among other things. I've met some awesome people, heard some crazy stories, and learned way more than I thought i would about the Navy and my job. I am blessed to have been put on this land of dirt. I look forward to finishing another year here, and getting assigned to a ship.

I hope everyone is doing swell, and I"ll see you soon!!!!!

Love, Hannah

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